“I believe that if you show people the problems and you show them the solutions they will be moved to act.”

— Bill Gates

We are creating waves of change in Manatee County with a transformational approach…

  • 1) Listen in the fall.

    We meet with people in our congregations and community to discuss local problems. After identifying common areas of concern through these conversations, we vote to determine a few key priorities for the year ahead.

  • 2) Research in the winter.

    We launch research committees to identify viable long-term solutions, as well as the community officials who have the authority to implement those solutions.

  • 3) Gather for action in the spring.

    We hold a large public meeting called a Nehemiah Action. Members from all of our congregations (and additional supporters) gather to negotiate solutions with local public officials.

“Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times.”

— Psalm 106:3